Women’s Conference in Congo

Lubumbashi is a sprawling, vibrant city located in the Katanga region, in the south-eastern part of Congo DRC. This is where the Brunstad Christian Church has its fellowship in Congo DRC, and in August, the first BCC Women’s Conference was held on Congolese soil. The conference was attended by approximately 40 women, some of whom came all the way from South Africa.

The guest speaker, Tielman Slabbert, opened the conference with a quote from the Old Testament Book of Judges 5:7 and this formed the theme for this conference.

Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel.

The main thrust of the conference was the spiritual nourishment of the participants. At a powerful prayer meeting many of the young woman were converted and surrendered their lives to Jesus. 

The conference program also included time for everyone to relax, unwind and spend time getting to know each other and afforded opportunities for the women to explore and express their creative talents in a meaningful way. One of the highlights of the recreational activities on the program was a walk in a park located in town, where young and old residents of Lubumbashi gather to exercise together as a community.

The conference was concluded with many of the participants expressing their thankfulness and appreciation for having had the opportunity to attend such an uplifting and edifying conference and to spend meaningful time together with other Christian women.

Nonnie Mulamba (Congo, DRC): I really want to be a person who can stand up for what is right and what God works in my heart.

July Kabeya (Congo, DRC): I want to lead a life that is edifying to those around me.

Lianza Floor (South Africa): The conference was a faith strengthening and up building time for me and gave me a clear goal to go home with and that is, in my daily life to fight against all negative thoughts, anxiety, jealousy, backbiting and the like.

Amandine Kabeya (Congo, DRC): I am very thankful that I could attend this conference, it came at the right time in my life and has inspired me to be upright in all circumstances I find myself in.

Falone Bope (Congo, DRC): Attending the conference was very rewarding for me. I now understand that faith is a decision and a choice I have to make. What I heard in the meetings has made me realize that I cannot be a Christian and still harbour bad thoughts in my heart.