2020 Youth Camp in Cameroon

“My own will or God’s will? Make a clear decision!”  This was the thought provoking theme for the approximately 200 young people who attended the annual youth camp of Brunstad Christian Church in Cameroon at the Vallée Verte Conference Centre in Yaoundé.  The 11th of February was Youth Day in Cameroon, so it was an appropriate time to hold the four-day camp, which was attended by the youth from the three Brunstad Christian Church fellowships in Cameroon, located in Yaoundé, Douala and Bafoussam.

The camp kicked off on the Saturday evening with participants from the three fellowships singing together after which an energetic dance routine was performed by some of the youth. The first youth service followed, led by Jean Joël Kue Kamdem, whose quote from the Old Testament book of Isaiah 30: 1-2, was most pertinent to the theme of the conference. It was a serious exhortation not to go one’s own way and do one’s own will, but to find God’s will and to be obedient to it.

Bible studies on the New Testament book of Hebrews took up most of the second day of the camp. Participants gathered together in small groups and mentors facilitated discussions about the films shown, relating to the book. In the evening a special dinner was held, this was a time of fellowship, with edifying messages from the youth leaders and songs of praise and worship. An informative panel discussion also took place during the evening with youth leaders and mentors answering questions about the application of the gospel in one’s daily life.  

An early start to the third day of the conference saw the youth being able to expend all their pent-up energy by participating in a wide range of activities that had been organised. For the early risers, an exercise routine began at 5:30 am, followed by volleyball and football tournaments. Later in the day participants were divided into 11 teams to pit their skills against each other in a team building ‘obstacle course’. This proved to be quite a challenge and very amusing for the spectators as well, who cheered on the competing teams as they endeavored to complete the 14 different activities set out on the course. Colorful T-shirts and caps were given to the winning team as prizes.

On the last day of the camp an information session was held regarding future events and activities, and everyone joined together in song which drew to the close of a very successful youth camp. The success was evident from the many testimonies given at the services, when the young people expressed how they appreciated being able to attend such a positive, edifying time together with fellow Christians and for all the spiritual help they received for their daily lives.