Sunday is always a day of spiritual edification, praise and worship at the BCC fellowship in Yaoundé in Cameroon.
However, Sunday 1 March 2020 was an extra special Sunday with the welcoming of three new babies into the church. What a happy occasion it was with the entire congregation joining in the celebration. Young and old, parents, grandparents, children and youth where there to welcome them, singing songs of praise and thankfulness to God for His wonderful gift of these children.

The proud parents with their precious bundles in their arms went up to the front of the church for the naming, blessing and prayers for the new little members of the church family. Daniel Takoundjou’s message was one of encouragement to all parents to raise their children in a loving manner, so that they learn to know and experience good Christian values being practiced in their homes. Giving them the attention they need to flourish and grow up feeling happy and secure, they will mature into well-adjusted adults.
As on normal Sundays at 10:00 am, Sunday School started with the children singing their songs with much enthusiasm and great gusto! Then with eyes focused on their teacher, they listened intently to the story of Ruth, taken from the Old Testament in the Bible. Emphasising Ruth’s faith in God, and helping the children to understand the meaning of faith and how it can help them by believing that God listens when they pray to Him, was the essence of the lesson. The children enjoyed talking about what they heard and relating their own experiences.

After the church services, everyone had lunch together in a time of fellowship and celebration, with congratulations going to the proud parents of the new additions to the church family.