It all started in one city, seemingly quite remote, but soon spread across the globe. Country by country reporting of more and more affected people, with few places being spared from infection of the coronavirus, known as COVID-19.  Thousands of people becoming ill and sadly also an increasing number succumbing to the virus resulting in many deaths. Words such as lockdown, quarantine, social distancing, good hygiene and sanitizing, testing and screening, have become commonplace.

In this worldwide climate of anxiety and uncertainty, Brunstad Christian Church has been a beacon of hope and encouragement.   BCC Kenya is just one of the many churches who have expressed how thankful they are that their members, and particularly the young people, are continuing to receive edification, through modern technology. Despite the distance between them, the different fellowships in Kenya have experienced a spirit of unity not only locally, but also internationally. Being able to be part of church services and participate in church activities in their homes through various platforms such as BrunstadTV and Google Hangouts, has made a tremendous difference to its members in these trying times.  These platforms have provided interactive communication, not only in Kenya, but in all member churches around the world.

In these unusual and no doubt challenging times, humility and obedience to regulations is of paramount importance to curbing the spread of the virus. But God, as always, has proved his faithfulness by providing new opportunities for spiritual unity and growth.  What a blessing amidst all the turmoil!