“These conferences are usually, unusually good and blessed for all!”  This was the sentiment expressed by Kåre J Smith, the leader of the Brunstad Christian Church (BCC), as he opened the 2023 BCC International Women’s Conference held in April at Brunstad in Norway.

The conference was streamed live to all BCC churches around the world. Regardless of whether participants attend the conference in person at Brunstad (Norway) or at their local fellowships, the annual women’s conference is a time of spiritual edification, fellowship and renewal. Despite geographical distances, cultures and backgrounds, there is a special sense of spiritual unity in God’s Word.  At Brunstad various recreational activities were available in-between the three church services held over the course of the weekend. Locally, each church organised their own recreational activities and from an African perspective, BCC fellowships in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda, all participated via live streaming.

At the dinner held on the Saturday night of the conference, the messages from Kåre Smith and several speakers were particularly edifying. The meaningful spiritual songs sung by various choirs throughout the evening, were a joy to listen to. However, the highlight of the evening were the inspiring and encouraging film clips shown in honour of several women who, through their faith in God in all circumstances, became “pillars” in their church. Even with the passage of time, they are still held dear by the members of BCC as examples of true disciples of Jesus Christ to this day!

Testimonies from several African fellowships:

Roma Nyagweth (Kenya):

“The conference was such a blessing to me.  It became so clear to me that I should believe God’s Word like a child and work within the boundaries that God has set for me to become a blessing to those around me.  It was inspiring to hear the history of women who became “pillars” in the church through their faithfulness to God within the boundaries He had set for them.  It is my longing to come to simple faithfulness to God in everything I do.”

Peluce Katusabe (Uganda):

“I am very thankful for the conference. It became clear to me that no one can be liberated from sin by just reading and understanding the doctrine, but only by being obedient to it can one can be saved.”

Rheetah Chambala (Malawi):

“I am thankful to God for this wonderful conference. What really touched me is that I can do God’s will all the time because His Word is close to me.  The verses in Philippians 4: 8-9 became clear to me.  I want to take them seriously and put into practice what I have learnt from God’s Word.”

Falone Bope (DRC):

“I was personally blessed by what I heard at the conference.  I remember Kåre Smith’s message at the opening of the conference when he said one cannot be called a servant of God until you are set free from sin. I cannot grow as a Christian unless I acknowledge the truth about myself.”

Rachel Tcheumwa (Cameroon):

“In Bafoussam we all gathered for the conference at our hall, Belle Vue.  The conference was very uplifting from the beginning to the end.  I want to take to heart Kåre Smith’s message urging us to simply obey God’s Word and we will be set free from sin. We also enjoyed activities that were arranged for us.”

Olga Touyoyim (Cameroon):

“I am thankful for the conference and that I was able to attend. It was rich in edification and full of blessings.  I want to put into practice in my daily life what I heard at the conference and not rely on my own thoughts.”

Charline Metino (Cameroon):

“I thank God for the wonderful conference which I could attend.  I will work to be a blessing in my home.  God has given me a huge “field of work” (my children) – I want to be a mom full of love and gentleness and without any demands.”

Estelle Kalachi (Cameroon):

“I am truly grateful to have participated in the conference. I have come to faith and believe that I can be perfectly happy and confident in God in my circumstances. It was also uplifting to see the film about the short, but rich life of Olga Olsen.”

Zodwa Noge (South Africa):

“It was so good to hear that God has given us a gift, the gift of life that is in Jesus Christ and when we are tempted and our thoughts are horizontal, we can look up to the gift from above and He will come with help from above.”