In May 2024, the Brunstad Christian Church fellowships in Cameroon held a Couples’ Conference at the Valleé Verte Conference Centre, in Yaoundé. There were approximately 60 couples in attendance, including two couples from France and two from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The three-day conference included two church services, as well as a dinner and panel discussion, which was held on the Saturday evening. The congregation was encouraged to take part in the discussion by asking questions and this proved to be very helpful and informative. Over the course of the weekend there was time to relax and have fellowship and there were activities, games and sport that participants could take part in.
In his message to the congregation, one of the guest speakers from France, Karl Tombre, quoted from the New Testament, 1 Peter 1:3-5, explaining that a life of faith should not be associated with feelings, but should be a living hope that salvation will succeed for each one who truly follows Jesus. He went on to say that it is in the daily circumstances of life, where God can work with each one. Couples should base their lives on the cross – giving up one’s self-life, and having no demands on each other. The spiritual leader of the BCC fellowship in Baffousam, Claude Kue Kamden, explained in his message at one of the church services that married couples have the primary responsibility to shepherd the flock in their own homes first, and thereafter they can be a help in the church.
Many participants testified and said how thankful they were for the conference. The two Congolese couples who attended, expressed their thanks for the sponsorship of their travel expenses by the Hippo Mundo Charity (HMC).
Ben Mulamba (DRC):
“We are very grateful for the opportunity offered to us to take part in the conference in Yaoundé. What made an impression on me at the conference were the words of Jesus quoted from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Being poor in spirit is one who lives in total dependence on God. Recognition of poverty in spirit brings peace, rest and joy both in couples and in the church. I would like to become one of those men, poor in spirit, who always waits on God, so that the kingdom of heaven may be established in me and in my home. May God bless my commitment.”
Djubril Maffo (Cameroon):
“The conference was full of edification and good advice, which will really help me in my daily life at home. I received a lot of understanding and I am very grateful that I could attend this conference and look forward to the next one.”
Rebecca Okpala (Cameroon):
“I am very grateful for the couples’ conference. It has saved me from many problems – for example, making demands on my husband and children. May God help me to continue on this path of thankfulness.”