Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience!

Among the thousands of members attending the 80th birthday celebrations for Kåre J Smith at Brunstad in Norway, were members from several Brunstad Christian Church (BCC) fellowships in Africa, namely Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa. For some it was a once-in-a lifetime experience… spending a weekend at Brunstad and attending the birthday celebrations.

Kåre J Smith is a leader who lives what he preaches, and the past 30 years have seen the BCC being steadily led into a new era by him. For decades before his leadership of BCC, he served in the church with a great love for his fellow human beings.

The celebration of his 80th birthday took place at Brunstad, over the weekend of 4 – 6 October 2024. Smith’s main concern was that the celebration should give BCC members something to take away and hold onto, spiritually speaking, rather than it be a celebration of his person.  He wanted them to be inspired by the love of Christ to use the gifts of grace given to the church, for selfless service.  This is how Kåre Smith has lived his life – in selfless service to the church, and one sensed selfless service was a common thread that ran throughout the celebration weekend.

For many years Smith has travelled around the world preaching the Word of God and it has been his vision for members of BCC worldwide to gather for the congregations’ international conferences at Brunstad. With the expansion of Brunstad now complete, his vision has been realised.  Almost 10 000 guests were able to attend the birthday celebration, and this augurs well for future international church conferences – in essence it was also a celebration for the completion of Brunstad.

The testimonies below from several members, pay tribute to Kåre Smith and are an expression of what he has meant to the fellowships in Africa:

Beauty Mkundika (Malawi):

“Being able to attend the 80th birthday weekend in Norway has been a tremendous help to me and was proof that it is possible to live the life that Jesus lived, even in these times.  I witnessed it in Kåre Smith – his way of life with his wife and family and the church.  I never imagined that a busy man like him would have time for his grandchildren, but he has actually led his family and the whole church to Jesus.  I learned that he lives what he preaches, exactly as Jesus did.  This is the life I want – giving up everything and letting Jesus be in control of my life.”

Eleazar Mkundika (Malawi):

“I am extremely thankful for the opportunity God gave me to be part of the 80th birthday celebration.  I have personally seen the fulfilment of the New Testament verse: 1 Tim 4:16, in our modern time. The testimonies from Kåre Smith’s wife Eva, his children, grandchildren, sisters and members of the church, has left a great impression on me to follow his preaching as he follows Jesus.

Collins Mauluka  (Malawi):

“It was a wonderful opportunity for me to be part of Kåre Smith’s 80th birthday celebration at Brunstad and experience the pure spirit there. The testimonies about his life from his youth until now in his old age, show he has always been a vessel for God to use to spread His Word.  His covenant with God, to remain always in connection with Him, inspired and gave me clarity for my own life.”

David Elijah (Kenya):

I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be at Brunstad! From the testimonies we heard about Kåre Smith’s life – how he gave his life to serve in the church from his youth and through his faithfulness we can have true fellowship in the church. He is such an example to me. It is never about being something or someone but in humility I must listen to God’s voice within and serve where He has placed me.

Being at Brunstad for the first time meant a lot and I am so grateful.  It is surely the best place to be. Thank you very much that I could get the chance to be there and meet so many like-minded Christians.”

Claude Kue Kamden (Cameroon):

“We experienced an exceptionally blessed time at Kåre Smith’s 80th birthday celebration.  We learned so much more about him, even his favourite songs. Testimonies from his wife Eva, and his children and many others, confirmed that he is a great man of God, and I am so thankful to Jesus that I can experience this in my lifetime. May Jesus help me to follow the clear vision Kåre Smith has for the whole church in our time.”

Daniel Takoundjou (Cameroon):

“Kåre Smith’s 80th birthday celebration at Brunstad was a unique experience for me and full of content. I learnt a lot from it and sensed fellowship and gratitude in those I came into contact with.  The celebration glorified our Lord Jesus Christ as His life shines through Kåre Smith. The Word of God is revealed to him for the edification of the church.  His words and all that was said about him at the celebration testifies to this. I am very grateful that I could be part of such an event, and I am strengthened in my spirit and will follow in the same footsteps.”

Millicent Anditi (Kenya):

“I am grateful for the opportunity I had to go to Brunstad for the 80th birthday celebration of Kåre Smith – a man who stands faithful before God.

From the way that the weekend was planned and organized it was evident that the organisers sought wisdom from God. When Kåre Smith finally spoke, he thanked everyone and then went straight to the point about his life in Christ. It is to be found in Christ always, not allowing people to dominate or rule over you and hinder your freedom and growth in Him. Allow Christ to lead and guide you in all aspects of life and in this way a personal relationship with Christ will develop. This is the way to victory over all sin and the way I want to live my life. May God be glorified forever.”

Timothy Anditi (Kenya):

“What stood out for me at the celebration of Kåre Smith’s 80th birthday was the selfless life he led. He gave himself to God at an early age and walked in the promptings of the Spirit, irrespective of the challenges he faced – such as the lack of resources and glaring opposition from those who would otherwise be expected to support him. I want to follow his example in the circumstances that God has predestined for me.”

Gertrude Slabbert (South Africa):

“Kåre Smith’s preaching has given room for each individual to develop at their own pace.”

Travel expenses for 19 participants from Cameroon, Malawi and Kenya were sponsored by the Hippo Mundo Charity’s Travel Fund.