Evaluation of the CYDP program 2020

‘The opportunity of a lifetime!’ This is how many of the young graduates from the Christian Youth Development Program (CYDP) described their participation in the program.

CYDP provides participants with both Hard Skills and Softs Skills thereby equipping them to return home and contribute meaningfully in their communities. As Professor Wynand JC Grobler of North West University in South Africa, who assessed the program, concluded:   “In relation to giving young people a valuable combination of both Hard and Soft Skills, this program can be considered a success.”

From a spiritual point of view, Mayi Munene Mikobi Bope, Church / Community leader in Lubumbashi, Congo DRC commented: “When coming back from the Christian Youth Development Program, our youth took responsibility for many activities in the church, for example: activity clubs for small children, Sunday school classes, youth activities etc. They started living with high moral standards and became active in taking responsibility in the church gatherings.”

This is what Claude Kue Kamdem, Church / Community Leader in Cameroon and director of ADCAM (Action Development Cameroon) said about CYDP: “The young people learned to take responsibility both in the work place and in their own personal lives. Most of them have started their own companies based on the skills they acquired on the program and are self-sustainable.  They have also taken responsibility for many activities in our church and in our community.”

“This program is a catalyst for youth development and will have a positive impact on our community. In my opinion this is one of the best programs involving collaboration between South Africa and other African countries.” Executive Mayor of Emfuleni Rev. Moerane, Vaal Triangle area, South Africa.